The formula of love plotted using ColdFusion and jQuery
Written on 13 March 2011, 11:55pm
Tagged with: cfchart, coldfusion, geek, javascript, jquery, json
Did you know the formula of love? It’s
Plotting this will result in a nicely hearth-shaped figure. The ultimate geek gift for his geek girlfriend!
I reproduced this plot using two methods: ColdFusion cfchart/cfchartseries/cfchartdata tags and a jQuery plotting library, called flot.
1. ColdFusion code
cflove.cfm (tested both on ColdFusion 8 and ColdFusion 9)
<cfchart format="flash" xaxistitle="X" yaxistitle="Y">
<cfchartseries type="scatter">
<cfloop index="x" from="-1" to="1" step="0.02">
<cfset y1 = sqr(x^2)-sqr(1-x^2)>
<cfchartdata item="#x#" value="#y1#">
<cfchartseries type="scatter">
<cfloop index="x" from="-1" to="1" step="0.02">
<cfset y2 = sqr(x^2)+sqr(1-x^2)>
<cfchartdata item="#x#" value="#y2#">
You will notice that the formula of love is composed by two curves:
-the upper part of the hearth: y = sqrt(x^2) – sqrt(1-x^2)
-the lower part of the hearth: y = sqrt(x^2) + sqrt(1-x^2)
The values of x are between -1 and 1.
Go ahead and load this file on your ColdFusion server. It will nicely draw the following image: (more…)
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