Exactly 7 years ago, on the 1st of March 2011 I started the colorblindprogramming.com project. Back then I saw this place as a knowledge repository, a playground and a place to improve my writing skills:
This blog exists because I needed a personal place to record my random thoughts. Also, a bit of a playground and a good way to improve my writing skills.
About me page, March 2011
I was aiming to continually improve, or, as the tagline and the video in the first post say, “moving on to better things“.
I just had a look back over the 7 years and 198 posts I am happy to see how I ticked all the 3 boxes:
– knowledge repository: I can clearly see my points of interest changing: web development (Flex, ColdFusion, CakePHP), front-end (jQuery, HTML5), user experience and usability, learning and development, personal projects and, more recently, web security.
– playground – I played with WordPress, CloudFlare or implementing security features like HTTPS, HSTS, CSP or SRI.
– writing skills – I think I am geting getting btter bettr improving 🙂
Overall, I am proud of a few posts, a little embarrassed by some others, but the most important thing was – I kept moving on to better things. And this is what this place is all about.
If you don’t look back at yourself and think, “Wow, how stupid I was a year ago,” then you must not have learned much in the last year.@RayDalio #WorkLife: https://t.co/ZEPV8Wv3Bc pic.twitter.com/xqsIkwsywl
— Adam Grant (@AdamMGrant) February 28, 2018
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