> @dorinmoise > Tweets archive


The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @dorinmoise ever

January 2022

RT @afcbournemouth: Get yourself a centre-back that can Cruyff turn Zlatan 😉

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RT @bktexas83: @Phil_Lewis_ Always assume that everyone in America has a gun and little access to mental health care before you decide to c…

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Where is After Life filmed? Tambury Filming Location of Ricky Gervais Netflix series

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RT @JamesBlunt: If @spotify doesn’t immediately remove @joerogan, I will release new music onto the platform. #youwerebeautiful

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Also, someone built a system that takes photos and then identifies all the airplanes flying over his house:

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RT @NASA: On our Day of Remembrance, we pause to honor the members of the NASA family who gave their lives in the pursuit of exploration.…

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Elon Musk offered $5k to remove a bot tracking his flights

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RT @zeynep: I think “pigeon chess” should be in everyone’s vocabulary. 😁

It’s also amazing how well it can work, at least for a time, esp…

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RT @leontios_: “If you want to be an angel, you’ve got to do it when you are alive. Be good. Do good things”

Thank you 🙏 @rickygervais for…

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launchpat @EffinBirds I just came across this the other day and I think it’s spot-on

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:26 AM, Jan 22nd, 2022 via Twitter for iPhone)

RT @MattAndersonNYT: Hairdressers can open in the Netherlands, but concert halls can’t. This is the Concertgebouw’s workaround:

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@LFC Harvey “new signing” Elliott 🙌

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Can’t believe this was only 2 years and a pandemic ago. The pure joy:

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This is such a terrible take. End to end encryption should be a fundamental right in this day and age

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RT @delanightmares: Holy shit Quebecs anti-jaywalking billboards don’t fuck around 😳

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Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids

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Liquid Sculptures by Ronny Tertnes

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RT @Rainmaker1973: How educator Alycia Zimmerman uses her students’ favorite plastic blocks to help them learn math skills [read more: http…

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Bystander effect? No, just a bunch of people quickly reacting to help the victim then chase the criminal (cc…

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@aviation24_be More details about the positioning of the aircraft? The comments to this post mention a perpendicula…

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Hundreds of Medical Experts Sign Letter Condemning Joe Rogan

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RT @andy_murray: Please record the awkward moment when you tell them you’ve spent most of your career campaigning to have people from Easte…

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RT @ronen_segev: I am excited to share a new study led by Shachar Givon & @MatanSamina w/ Ohad Ben Shahar: Goldfish can learn to navigate a…

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RT @keleftheriou: 💰 How to make $13,000,000 on the App Store:


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“A protocol moves much more slowly than a platform. After 30+ years, email is still unencrypted; meanwhile WhatsApp…

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A pill can provoke a placebo effect, but an injection produces an even stronger one. Cutting into someone appears t…

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RT @gregjoz: Life moves pretty fast. 15 years ago today, the world met iPhone for the first time and in a moment everything changed. Many m…

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No colourblind version though.
People of the 1881 🤦🏻‍♂️

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andycorneys Novac Djokovic is the first player ever to get knocked out of a grand slam tournament after only missing 2 shots.

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Probably this is how the 1969 generation imagined their next few years:

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My 4 words:

Works every time 😉

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My kind of guy:

“When exposed to games like these, I don’t just enjoy solving them on my own: I like conquering th…

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@waitbutwhy Turns out, it’s just a matter of finding a few keywords that will eliminate all the vowels and the most…

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Drone carrying a defibrillator saves its first heart attack patient in Sweden

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Wordle 201 4/6


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Ten Years of Logging My Life - Art Chaidarun

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Did I know about Betteridge’s law of headlines? 🙃

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RT @jburnmurdoch: NEW: first thread of 2022 is an Omicron situation update, starting with a detailed look at UK hospitals, before going int…

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RT @jasoncrawford: For a dramatic historical example (from *The Making of the Atomic Bomb*), take Leo Szilard’s observations of 1930s Germa…

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Typical case of “How to lie with statistics”: use a log scale to support the narrative.
Linear scale (in replies)…

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AlecStapp Spoiler alert: nuclear energy is green

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RT @rcbregman: And here it is! My interview on Late Night with @sethmeyers about my new book and why the great philosopher Ted Lasso 😎 (jus…

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The total duration of sunshine — 1589 hours and 57 minutes — was close to the normal value of 1603 hours and 40 min…

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RT @cdespinosa: If you’re making New Year’s Resolutions, add this to the list: Go to Settings > (Your Apple ID) and set the Account Recover…

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Tippen22 Starlink works great until the cats find out that the dish gives off a little heat on cold days.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:47 PM, Jan 1st, 2022 via Twitter for iPhone)

RT @pomeranian99: In summer 1981, I was loaned a VIC-20 and coded about 10 hours a day.

But! I had no storage drive. So, what to do?


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