> @dorinmoise > Tweets archive


The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @dorinmoise ever

September 2019

@conorgil @troyhunt @ajlkn I just pushed a few updates on, including the link to twofactorauth.

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@troyhunt Cheers Troy! Already preparing some updates on Thanks for the share 🙂

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@conorgil @troyhunt @ajlkn Thanks a lot Conor. I came across recently; really good stuff. I…

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What’s wrong with these guys? H2O, not H20…

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Hey @elonmusk, is the promised 2FA coming this year? 😊

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@ajlkn @troyhunt Thanks, this wouldn’t be possible without Carrd 🙌

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RT @L2_Evangelist: This is some plain simple advice on two factor authentication. Share this to your non-technical friends and family. http…

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Seriously, CNN? H 2 *zero* ??! You thought you will get away with this? ðŸ§

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Not happy with @Apple moving the App Store updates tab to the user menu to make room for the new Arcade. I known th…

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Oh, almost forgot @DanielMiessler. In his Unsupervised Learning #191 I found this invitation to ‘Consume less, crea…

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@mferrier @Authy @Scott_Helme @unsplash @levelsio @icons_8 @coolors_co My wife said the same 🧐
Room for improvement…

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@zate @troyhunt @ajlkn This is just version 1.0 😁

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@herrjemand @troyhunt @ajlkn Gotcha, noted. Will gather comments and update soon 💍

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Special thanks to @Authy @Scott_Helme, @unsplash, @levelsio, @icons_8 and @coolors_co

Would love to have some feedback on #how2factor 😊

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Done! makes 2FA easier for the normal everyday people.

Inspired by @troyhunt and made wit…

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BassTunedToRed Liverpool have taken 99 points from their last 38 games, a new club record. Up the Reds.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:34 PM, Sep 28th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

For the past week I worked on a small side project. Preparing to launch it over this weekend. Really excited about…

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@RoryGreenfield @dannynotdannie Not the biggest fan of Lovren, but when Gomez got caught, he was there to cover

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Interstellar was ahead of its time

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Impressive this.
My bet is still on human-made climate change to destroy our species, not nice robots like Atlas…

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RT @nytimes: Greta Thunberg speaks at the UN climate summit: “You all come to us young people for hope? How dare you!”
Read more: https://t…

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@BassTunedToRed I can see that :) But I was wondering if this difference is getting smaller if you ignore the first…

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@BassTunedToRed Interesting. Does it get any better if you ignore the first (incomplete) season?

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RT @yuris: Man goes biking, flips his bike, hits his head, gets knocked out and doesn’t regain consciousness until sometime during the ambu…

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Happy end to this: PayPal support manually disabled the MFA over the phone (turns out - 2 days ago I had a less kno…

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@crmviking @jacobegner @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi Just tried with a friend. You’re right, it looks like in m…

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@crmviking @jacobegner @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi No it hasn’t. It’s easy to verify:
1. Set up an auth app…

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Liverpool record when scoring first - since April 2017: only 9 draws
cc @BassTunedToRed @natefc @JamesPearceLFC…

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@OUSAK @Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi I do have mobile phone number and secret questions. As well as my credit c…

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@OUSAK @Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi For me ‘having trouble’ only offers password reset. Nothing

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@OUSAK @Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi This is not true. I tried from the browser as well. The options in your sc…

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@jackdixon24 @Paolomc84 @James_Dart Exactly, no need to rush for the first ball. Also think that the second ball co…

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@OUSAK @Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi I have a hardware key, but I can only use them in 3 places: Gmail, Dropbox…

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@living_syn @Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi If they gave me the backup codes and I lost them then I agree the acc…

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@Scott_Helme @living_syn @troyhunt @reporturi The way I see it now - I had 3 options to avoid the lock-out:
1. use…

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@Scott_Helme @living_syn @troyhunt @reporturi Ok, I can understand that perspective. But this is clearly a process…

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@Scott_Helme @living_syn @troyhunt @reporturi There are no backup codes for PayPal, Scott. See my previous reply.

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@living_syn @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi So, now I can confirm that PayPal doesn’t give any backup one-time co…

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I just made some test with @Authy:
✔ codes backup in the cloud
✔ soft delete (48h delay)
Goodbye Google Authenticat…

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Happy Sunday morning! PS: we’re f*^%•ed

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@troyhunt @grimmware @Scott_Helme @reporturi Well, I am in the single digit population and now I have this anxiety. Where can I get help? 😁

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@crmviking @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi Do you think average people think that far ahead?
Blaming the user is always easy…

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@troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi I think that the main take away is that a small business like @reporturi thought…

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@troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi I didn’t ask for it to be that way. But since they didn’t do it properly in the b…

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@Scott_Dayman @Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi @1Password Must have changed now. Back in April I don’t remember having any code…

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@m_in_m @GossiTheDog @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi @LastPass This didn’t work for me. But LastPass fell back to…

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@grimmware @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi I can see the irony 🙂
The risk here is that people will not adopt MFA…

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@living_syn @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi Also, let’s not forget that not long ago, PayPal offered SMS code onl…

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@living_syn @troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi Nope, they didn’t. Funny ho@reporturiri thought about this bu@PayPalal didn’t.

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@troyhunt @Scott_Helme @reporturi That’s not entirely true. The second question is “here’s my username, password *a…

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@Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi Successfully recovered my @reporturi account despite no longer having access to m…

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@Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi Plus, PayPal doesn’t have a process to cover this edge case. On the phone they as…

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@Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi Look, I can live without a PayPal account. That’s not the issue here.
But with a…

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@Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi For report-uri you provide a static code that can be used as an alternative to au…

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@Scott_Helme @troyhunt If someone
✅ has my password AND
✅ can receive SMS for my phone number AND
✅ knows my cred…

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@Scott_Helme @troyhunt @reporturi Fair enough. But PayPal doesn’t do that. No other option to get around the authenticator code

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@Scott_Helme @troyhunt They ask for additional measures when changing password:
- confirm phone number
- last dig…

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Too bad I’m locked out my account because I want to use better security controls… cc @troyhunt @Scott_Helme


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The problem is - this screen does not accept any other method in case you no longer have access to the Authenticato…

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So, @AskPayPal - I have the same problem as here:

I bought a new phone, no longer have acc…

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@neiljonesgoal Followed by Liverpool, of course, who couldn’t be bothered with a transfer the last two windows 😂

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@Scott_Helme Lovely.
Here in Belgium a company just tried to charge me 20€ for a 9V battery which you can find for…

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Capture everything. Great productivity tip #GTD

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RT @Jhiggins3: Genuinely, what is the point of VAR if it cant overturn that decision.

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_pauljoyce Klopp: “When the player jumps before there is contact it cannot be a penalty.”

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:47 PM, Sep 17th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

RT @StevenD1977: Thinking back to Klopps ‘doubters to believers’ quote. On Sat when we went behind nobody near me panicked, not one stress,…

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@RoryGreenfield Triple frontier. You can’t argue there’s no mountain climbing 😋

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RT @TheDailyShow: “What we should do as individuals is to use the power of democracy to make our voices heard and to make sure that the peo…

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Finished the book some time ago, but only now got around to write a few words about it:

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RT @PatrickTimmons1: Manchester City are blessed with the best squad in England. The Laporte injury is unfortunate, but Stones & Otamendi c…

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The BT Sport AI (aka ‘The Script’) got it right so far for @LFC

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@RoryGreenfield No doubts - we’re looking at a special side. But the next game vs Chelsea is arguably the most impo…

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RT @sfergs_: Our healthcare is free. We don’t have $50,000 student loans at age 18. Medicine is free for youth under 25. Marijuana is legal…

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So happy with the Liverpool front three. I don’t think people realise how insanely good they are. Probably the best…

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‘They wanted me gone’: Edward Snowden tells of whistleblowing, his AI fears and six years in Russia

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Why No One Is Beating Tesla’s Range

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@DanielMiessler What about giving the 20% as tip outside the app?

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Awesome stuff for the living room… a bit too expensive though 🤨

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@RoryGreenfield I use it from time to time for my best pics. But not for storage/backup.
Consider @unsplash if you…

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Exciting times: “Volkswagen unveils the ID.3, its first ‘electric car for the masses’”

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@laparisa Saw that. But when you type it defaults to http.
Why not HSTS? 🙅‍♂️

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Hey @laparisa, something is wrong with Google Chrome on Windows: it says that your website is not secure.
It could…

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“it is largely a group of strangers coming together and sitting together but not, actually, being together”
This i…

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Football appears too self-important to bother itself about climate emergency

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@JayIsABlue @TPT_Global @Marcotti @kkoulibaly26 Exactly. Literally every team in Europe would *take* him, but only…

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@nwradu, apropo de asta:
La fix o luna dupa introducerea sesizarii, CNAB raspunde:

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@JayIsABlue @TPT_Global @Marcotti @kkoulibaly26 Not so simple. As @Marcotti wrote recently, there are very few club…

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RT @dorinlazar: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand & Vietnam dump more plastic into oceans than the rest of the world combined. https:…

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RT @laparisa: The @nytimes asked me what a typical work week looked like, so I shared a diary with @kateconger:

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Got to love the Norwegians 🥰

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michaelharriot Thread: Today I learned the interesting story of Abaco, the island in the Bahamas hit hardest by hurricane Dorian.

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This: “Fake fans, banter sites and certainty in stupidity: the plight of the modern game” via @totalanalysis

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The expiration dates on your food are probably wrong

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RT @DaveMosher: Space is big, but stuff up there moves >10X the speed of a bullet. So each satellite crash (accidental or otherwise) moves…

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RT @Marcotti: Never before have we seen these many stars up for sale. And never before were there so few takers. Was it a market correcti…

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Twitter disables tweeting via SMS after CEO gets hacked

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Facebook leak contained phone numbers for 419 million users

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Up close with the Taycan, Porsche’s first electric car via @Verge

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RT @kevloria: Check out these horrifying but effective graphics showing just how single-use plastic is covering the world (h/t @fedira ) ht…

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Something You Don’t Want to Hear About Earbuds

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Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump’s Tweet

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Here’s how you can help:
I already donated to @World_Wildlife

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The Amazon Fires Are More Dangerous Than WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

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The frighteningly simple technique that hijacked Jack Dorsey’s Twitter account: SIM hacking

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BosniaPM yeah I would too if I didn’t have to do any work

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Yet another annoying @tesla problem with the Spotify app

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Customer services representative 800 miles away helps save life of man having a stroke

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RT @Kloppholic: Klopp’s reaction when finding out that Trent’s goal was given as an own goal. Amazing.

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