JSON Basics: http://www.elated.com/ar…
f.lux: Better lighting…for your computer. Adjust your computer brightness according to the time of the day http://stereopsis.com/fl…
ASCII Pronunciation Rules for Programmers
Get browser height using jQuery: $(window).height();
Excellent jQuery modal windows plugin: SimpleModal by Eric Martin / ericmmartin.com http://t.co/g56XByd via @ericmmartin
Free pc|mobile Wallpapers: Golden Flower http://t.co/rmClEo3 via @beyondthefocus
Cross-Browser HTML5 Placeholder Text http://t.co/VKDubcR
Chris Martin’s VIVA jacket in Japan benefit auction http://t.co/LQIPTUB
JavaScript basics. Must read: http://bonsaiden.github….
Tonight when I paid using credit card, the vendor told me to enter pin and press green. I pressed red instead :| http://t.co/F1y1rKa
Handling Large Amounts of Markers in Google Maps - http://www.svennerberg.c…
Speed Up Your Site with Delayed Content http://24ways.org/201018
I like that: “No IE<7 support. At all.” http://www.iamntz.com/wo…
@joinme I am only using it for quick desktop sharing, nothing special. Before joinme I was using Team View; both products do the trick
Say goodbye to annoying IE JS bugs:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://getfirebug.com/f…
Join me! Desktop sharing application: https://join.me/