Coldfusion: cfinvoke timeout
Written on 19 March 2012, 03:57pm
Tagged with: coldfusion, timeout, web services
Consider the following scenario: you make a cfinvoke
to a remote web service, that takes a long time to execute. In the same, you want to be in control of your script, and present a timeout error message. The natural thing to do in this case is to use cfsetting requestTimeout
Or, you can use the cfinvoke’s timeout attribute, as in the example below.
I created a ColdFusion component, to be used a web service: sleeping.cfc. This component has only one method – sleepit – that simulates a long process. In our case, it sleeps for 5 seconds.
The client – call_sleeping.cfm – is using the cfinvoke tag to call the sleepit() method, but it will only wait for 2 seconds (timeout=2). The error received after 2 seconds will be:
Could not perform web service invocation “sleepit”.
The code below. (more…)
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