News fatigue? Switch from push to pull
Written on 20 April 2020, 01:26pm
Tagged with: media, news, productivity
Just a quick note about the way we consume information during this time. My approach is to reduce the number of sources pushing information to me, and relying more on the sources where I can pull information myself.
Concretely, I unsubscribed from all the newsletters (even though most of them were pretty good) and I trimmed the list of people I follow on Twitter. At the moment, my sources of information are:
- The Atlantic
- Daring Fireball
- The Guardian
- The Athletic
- Twitter (90%)
- Quora

PS: a tip for reducing the time spent on Twitter is to save the interesting stories in Pocket. The goal is to read them when I pull them from Pocket, not when they are pushed to me by Twitter.
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