The tools that I am using #2

Written on 13 October 2014, 03:25pm

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I am updating the post from last year, thinking about the possibility to switch to Mac platform.
Naturally, most of the applications are still there, but there are some consistent changes:


The items in bold have Mac equivalents, the others are not that important or really necessary if switching to a Mac

  1. Chrome
  2. Dropbox
  3. f.lux
  4. Skype
  5. CrashPlan
  6. WinRar
  7. Avira MalwareBytes
  8. KeyTweak
  9. Logitech SetPoint


Again, the items in bold have Mac equivalents.

  1. Sublime Text
  2. Total Commander (there are Mac alternatives)
  3. Wamp
  4. Putty (#)
  5. TortoiseSVN (Versions for Mac)
  6. Beyond Compare / Win Merge

I removed from the list HexView, EditPlus, Console 2, Beyond Compare and PoEdit. Turns out, I did not use them in a long while and are not that important. All of them have Mac equivalents.


  1. GomPlayer
  2. FastStone Viewer (Lyn?)
  3. µTorrent
  4. Image resizer

AllShare, Lightroom and Sopcast are all gone from the list. So is Winamp, replaced by Spotify on my iPad (turns out, I no longer listen to music on my notebook).

So, at first, I am ready to move to Mac. I am looking at the 15′ MacBookPro with Retina display. But its price tag is still holding me 🙂