Cfexecute tag: a few useful notes

Written on 20 October 2011, 04:50pm

Tagged with: ,

Some quick notes about cfexecute tag:

  1. It is async.
  2. You cannot put other ColdFusion tags or functions between the start and end tags of cfexecute.
  3. You cannot nest cfexecute tags.
  4. In CF8 or less, only stdout output is captured, not stderr. If you need to capture the error, redirect stderr to stdout using 2>&1 – as described here.
  5. In CF9, you can use errorVariable and errorFile attributes to store (into a variable or file respectively) the result of an error. [#]
  6. To capture the output, use variable or outputFile attributes. If no outputFile or variable attribute is specified, output is displayed on page from which it was called.