Security exam tips
Written on 21 December 2018, 05:07pm
After successfully passing 3 IT security exams this year, here are some high level tips:
- schedule your exam well in advance to avoid procrastination
- study from at least two sources
- use quizzes: they make a huge difference in memorizing things
- use the learning channels compatible to your brain (ex. I always prefer text or classroom training instead of audio or video)
- Right before the exam: get a good night sleep the night before
- schedule your exam in the morning when your brain is fresh
- try to clear your mind in the hours before the exam
- resist the temptation to go one more time through your materials before the exam
- During the exam: keep an eye on the watch
- don’t go back to a question: make the best effort to answer and then forget it (some exams will not even allow you to revise a question)
- don’t change your answer (exception: when you realize that you misread the question)
And some basic, but interesting things about security:
- people are the most important asset
- but humans are also the weakest link in every security program
- security is always about protecting the CIA triad
- security controls can bring the risk to an acceptable level, but there is no such thing as risk zero
- a company exists for the sole reason of making profit. This means that they will always look at the return of investment as primary metric in evaluating any security control
- security is not a one-time project to fix things, but rather an ongoing program that needs to be planned and revised periodically
- complexity is the enemy of security
- as a security professional, you must learn to tailor your language to your audience
- you are just an adviser, but not a decision-maker
- you should act as a prudent man. Like this guy would:
Written by Dorin Moise (Published articles: 277)
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