New and responsive theme

Written on 30 November 2013, 03:02pm

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More than 2 years and a half after the first post, it was the time for a visual change. For a long time I wanted to switch to a responsive WordPress theme, and Boston-Theme was exactly what I needed.
The goals for the new theme were:

  • responsive
  • minimalist
  • 2-columns

Now theme is optimized for readability and is waiting for some useful content 🙂 I am only updating this blog now and then, so the Twitter widget in the left side is the part with the most frequent changes.

The before and after screenshots:
cbp - before and after

There are some parts that I still need to improve:

  • the Syntax highlighter – not getting along very well with the theme default code styling
  • the images of the existing posts – uploaded at full size, but shown at 558px with links to full size
  • the Golden ratio (present in the previous version) is now gone, so I must thing about another geeky, subliminal feature

Update: The flickr widget is now one click away, in the right sandwich menu, while the CloudFlare is running smoothly in the background.

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