Low-intensity vs high-intensity training

Written on 25 April 2016, 08:33am

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Low intensity (aerobic)

– low intensity means that you can still talk while doing it
oxygen: enough. Your muscles have enough oxygen to produce all the energy they need to perform.
in: more fats, less carbs
out: CO2, water – These byproducts are easily expelled through the simple act of breathing.

High intensity (anaerobic)

– high intensity means that you cannot talk while exercising
– more explosive movements that require immediate energy reserves
oxygen: not enough, so sugar (glycogen) is needed. When no more glycogen available, you hit the wall.
in: more carbs, less fat
out: CO2, water and lactate – which cannot be rapidly eliminated so stored in muscles. This is what causes that burning feeling in your muscles.



– Both aerobic and anaerobic exercises burn fat, but they burn it at different rates
– The faster you run, the more energy you burn (like a car on a highway)
– Anaerobic workouts tend to burn more calories from carbohydrates relative to fat
– Aerobic workouts tend to burn more calories from fat relative to carbohydrates.
– Although it is true that aerobic exercises burn more fat relative to carbs, high-intensity anaerobic exercises burn more total calories from both sources.
– Additionally, anaerobic workouts put your body into a period of post-exercise oxygen consumption, where you continue to burn calories at an accelerated rate for hours after you get home from the gym.
– Ideally, you should strike a balance between aerobic and anaerobic to develop a rounded workout routine.


Comments (1)

  1. Dorin Moise — January 3, 2017 at 10:28

    Functional training

    Heavy “functional” movements are a more efficient training modality than machine based training.

    Machine based training tends to focus on isolating muscles. This is good for increasing muscle size but it doesn’t necessarily mean a direct increase in strength. Compound movements like the squat, bench, deadlift (the power lifts) are strongly correlated to improved performance in real world situations because they require a complex array of musculature and neural control to trigger in the right sequence to exert power.

    Trends in strength and conditioning are cyclical but we’ve seen a movement back towards “functional” training over the last decade or two as education about fundamental loaded movement patterns has spread. Fad training programs and especially machine dependent programming have faded as coaches and athletes have begun to understand that functional training tends to have the most carryover to athletic and real world applications. […] Most of the general population would likely benefit from incorporating a squat or deadlift variation into their regime far more than adopting any new machine related exercise in the gym.



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