cfsilent night…

Written on 9 December 2014, 09:12pm

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An interesting bit about the cfsilent tag.
The official example from Adobe on the cfsilent page is the following:


<cfset a = 100>
<cfset b = 99>
<cfset c = b-a>
<cfoutput>Inside cfsilent block<br>
b-a = #c#</cfoutput><br>

<p>Even information within cfoutput tags does not display within a 
cfsilent block.<br>
b-a = #c#

As expected, nothing between the cfsilent tags is displayed:

But what do you think it happens if you add a cfabort on line 9, right before closing the cfsilent tag? 🙂


<cfset a = 100>
<cfset b = 99>
<cfset c = b-a>
<cfoutput>Inside cfsilent block<br>
b-a = #c#</cfoutput><br>

This happens:

The c variable content is suddenly displayed (-1), but not the other text inside cfoutput. A bit strange if you ask me…

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